Monday 1 August 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Telescopes

Closed tube so very little maintenance and images are more steadier and sharper
Hard to disrupt alignment
Production is expensive of large lenses and they can sag as there is no support in telescope
Works only at night
Prone to spherical and chromatic aberration
Thick lenses absorb more light
Large mirrors are cheaper to make than large lens
Mirror only needs to be polished on one side
Only parabolic removes spherical aberration
Not prone to chromatic aberration
Primary mirror is supported so they can be big
Works only at night
Open tube so needs maintenance
Easy to disrupt alignment
Secondary mirror can produce diffraction effects on image
Use a wire mesh as the long wavelength radio waves do not notice the gaps, construction is easier and cheaper
It does not need to be as precise as a polished mirror
Radio telescopes can work in all weather conditions
Radio telescopes can work during the day and night
Instead of one big dish, a number of dishes can be linked together and when the distance between them is increased, the image becomes sharper
The radio telescope dish has to have a precision of λ/20 to avoid spherical aberration
Radio telescopes have to scan across a radio source to build up an image which is time consuming
Detects anything that gives off heat
Detector needs to be cooled to low temperatures as it gives off heat as well
Can only view near IR so high, dry altitudes or orbit to view higher wavelengths
Can detect objects not seen in other wavelengths
Can only view near UV so orbit to view lower wavelengths
Can detect objects not seen in other wavelengths
Mirrors need to be at very low angles in order to work
Can only view x-ray in orbit to view it’s wavelengths

©2011 Grant Dwyer


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